Flame-resistant clothing for protection of industrial personnel against short-duration thermal exposures from fire in accordance with NFPA 2112-2023.
Prior to Use Information
Safety considerations:
For prevention of clothing ignition during short-term and emergency exposure to flame.
Marking restrictions:
Do not mark on or remove any safety or care labels.
Any added lettering, emblems, trims, name tags, etc. to the garment must meet the performance requirements of the standard. Failure to comply will invalidate the CPA warranty.
CPA warrants that garments will be free from defects in materials and workmanship upon delivery. Any materials or workmanship defects found must be addressed within 30 days of purchase. Defective garments may be returned to CPA for correction, replacement, or credit, as CPA may direct.
Preparation for Use:
- Sizing: For sizing information, please refer to the label in the garment.
- Storage: The garment should be stored out of direct sunlight. Please refer to NFPA 2113 for full storage instructions.
Inspection Frequency and When to Retire:
It is recommended that each company establish its own criteria for routine, systematic inspections and determination of each garment’s viability. Criteria should consist of visual inspection of worn areas, contamination of garment with flammable substances, mechanical damage, and improper fit or alterations. Based on these inspections, each company will decide if the garments are in need of repair or retirement. Refer to NFPA 2113 for full instructions.
Proper Use:
Refer to NFPA 2113 for proper use information. The user is responsible for determining that the garment is appropriate for the intended use and complies with all laws and regulatory standards.
Retirement and Disposal:
If the garment cannot be properly repaired or contaminants cannot be removed, the garment should be retired. If exposed to flame and heat, the garment should be retired. Refer to NFPA 2113 for full instructions.
8051 Central Park Avenue
Skokie, IL 60076