Chicago Protective Apparel

Cut-resistant CPN/White Nylon Cane Mesh Combo Jacket

Cut-resistant CPN/White Nylon Cane Mesh Combo Jacket, , large image number 0
Cut-resistant CPN/White Nylon Cane Mesh Combo Jacket, , large image number 1
Cut-resistant CPN/White Nylon Cane Mesh Combo Jacket, , large image number 1
Cut-resistant CPN/White Nylon Cane Mesh Combo Jacket, , large image number 2
Chicago Protective Apparel

Cut-resistant CPN/White Nylon Cane Mesh Combo Jacket

Part #: 600-CPN-CNW-SP
5 out of 5 Customer Rating


  1. 30" length
  2. 8.3 oz./sq. yd. CutPro Natural front
  3. White nylon cane mesh back
  4. Covered snap closure
  5. Adjustable snap wrist
  6. Green FR cotton lined collar
  7. Hidden inside left chest pocket
  8. Cut Level A6
Jacket designed to protect workers from cut and mechanical hazards found in a General Manufacturing setting. 30" in length and made from a combination of cut-resistant materials. The front of the jacket is from CutPro Natural, a highly cut-resistant blend of Kevlar® and fiberglass (ANSI/ISEA Cut Rating A6). The back of the jacket is made of cane nylon mesh.