- Head protection from sparks
- Guaranteed flame resistant for the life of the garment
- Multipurpose protection from electric arc flash, flash fire, molten ferrous metal, and welding exposures.
- Double-shrunk technology
- Lower initial cost
- Comfort of cotton
- Available in various colors
Chicago Protective Apparel
Welding Beanies: 9 oz. Navy FR Cotton
The Indura® brand name was derived from
"industrial (wash) durability," and was engineered
to retain its FR properties for the life of the
garment. Since Westex introduced it in 1987,
millions of garments made from Indura® have been
part of protective clothing programs worldwide.
Indura® continues to be popular among workers in
the metal industry, and contractors seeking out FR
protective clothing.
Indura® is light, comfortable and breathable, yet